> Welcome
Our Mission
To provide a rich education in which our learners can thrive with:
> improved life skills
> career pathways
> and positive progression
We aim for reintegration back into mainstream school or for a positive post-16 destination.
I hope you find this website helpful and look forward to welcoming you into one of our schools.
Independent Alternative Education Schools
Now in our 16th year Educ8 provide independent alternative education schools across England working with mainstream schools and local authorities. We provide effective learning environments for learners at risk of exclusion, or who are disengaged from mainstream education.
We now have independent school status at our Liverpool, Southport and Leicester provisions with a further 2 of our schools set to apply. For the academic year 25-26 we hope all our provisions will have achieved independent school status.
Our Vision
" To create a ‘special’ envıronment in which everyone’s efforts are focused on achieving the best possible outcomes for every single learner. "
At its heart is the vocational element which acts as the ‘hook’ for an engaging and personalised learning experience. We recognise that we are all individuals who learn in different ways and celebrate ‘diversity’ and ‘opportunity for all’ which form the ethos of our schools.

Jevon Payne
Executive Headteacher
> Our Schools
Independent Alternative Education
All of our schools are unique in their layout and atmosphere but they each share in the common principles of Educ8. They are conveniently located often on major bus routes and generally close to city centres. Each varies in size but on average have capacity for approximately 30 learners on roll at any one time.
We have schools in the following areas:
> Coventry

Admissions to our schools are via referral and we operate a roll-on, roll-off system with places from 1 to 5 days per week*.
Places can be taken by learners in Year 9 through Year 11 and includes those with SEND and specific SEMH needs.
Where we have achieved independent school status learners will be dual registered. In all other cases we will operate as a part-time alternative provision.
Appropriate referrals form a key component of our delivery.
Our referral process can be broken down into 3 steps.
*Ensuring we meet legal requirements for part-time learning if we have not yet acquired independent school status.

Visit us
There is no better way for a young person to understand how we work than to visit us and see our programmes being delivered. This gives key workers the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the learning journey should a start be agreed.
Ahead of a visit why not view our Video and view our Prospectus.
Choose your nearest School and contact the Head of School to arrange a convenient time.

Start learning
When starting any of our programmes learners, as part of the induction process, are given a 'Learner Journey' booklet which tracks their entire journey with us.
Progress, achievements, feedback, goals and objectives, are just some of the elements contained within the booklet.
The 'Learner Journey' enables parents, carers, key workers, schools, and of course learners, to keep up to date and informed of their progress.
> Our Curriculum
We are approved and on the framework in a
number of additional Local Authorities.......
The learning journey
On entry to our programme our initial goal is to try and support a learner back into mainstream education.
For some however this is not achievable and we are structured to provide a pathway from year 9 through to year 11 followed by a support programme for Post-16 learners if required.

Personalised curriculum
Our curriculum is designed to be both challenging and engaging with Functional Skills, PSHE and our Vocational Carousel programme included daily.
At it's heart is the vocational element which acts as the 'hook' for our learners. We offer a broad range of vocational qualifications allowing personalised learning.

This example timetable demonstrates a typical day
at one of our Schools

Functional Skills & PSHE
All learners have a minimum 40 minutes Maths or English per day along with 40 minutes PSHE.
We see the development of each learners capabilities in Maths, English and PSHE, essential to their progression.
Health & Wellbeing

Core Themes

Living in the Wider World

Key Stage 3
Learners build on the knowledge and understanding, skills, attributes and values they have acquired and developed during the primary phase.
PSHE education acknowledges and addresses the changes that young people experience, beginning with transition to secondary school, the challenges of adolescence and their increasing independence.
Learners learn to manage diverse relationships, their online lives, and the increasing influence of peers and the media.
Key Stage 4
Learners deepen knowledge and understanding, extend and rehearse skills, and further explore attitudes, values and attributes acquired during key stage 3.
PSHE education reflects the fact that students are moving towards an independent role in adult life, taking on greater responsibility for themselves and others

Vocational Carousel
All learners take part in our vocational carousel programme which includes BTEC Level 1 Applied Science, Topic Learning, Physical Education and of course Vocational Options.
Vocational Options
We deliver a range of BTEC vocational qualifications with a specialism at level 1. Our pre-16 learners work within the level 1 introductory suite. This suite provides flexible introductory skills-based qualifications designed to offer learners the practical skills and confidence they will need to progress to independent learning, further study, or employment.
BTEC Level 1 Introductory Qualifications
Practical and inspiring, assessed through assignments,
and designed to build awareness

Award, Certificate or Diploma?
BTECs offer learners the practical skills and
confidence they will need to progress.
British Values & SMSC
We ensure that we actively promote the key fundamental British values of:
> Democracy
> The rule of law
> Individual liberty
> Mutual respect and tolerance
These values are embedded through the Educ8 curriculum, and are further nurtured through the school’s ethos and promotion of spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) understanding.

Spiritual Development
During the range of activities on offer to learners at Educ8, learners can develop a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them.
Learners are consistently encouraged to use their imagination and creativity in their learning and showcase a willingness to reflect on their own, and others, experiences.
Moral Development
Educ8 helps learners understand and follow school and class rules, and understand their responsibilities within society.
This helps them understand the difference between good and bad choices, and between right and wrong. It helps them understand the consequences of their actions both positively and negatively.
Social Development
Learners at Educ8 use a range of social skills in different contexts, including working and socialising with learners and staff members from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds.
This promotes a willingness to participate in a variety of social settings, cooperating well with others, and being able to resolve conflicts effectively.
It also encourages an interest in, and understanding of, the way communities and societies function at a variety of levels.
Learners also develop their friendship and social mixing through group discussions, role plays and debates.
Cultural Development
Educ8 provides opportunities and exposes learners to conversations and topics that will help to develop positive attitudes towards different religious, ethnic and socio-economic groups in the local, national and global communities.
Personal Development
Boxhall profile allows us to offer targeted support with learners social, emotional and behavioural needs. We ensure that learners with SEND are supported and treated equally. We aim to support all learners with their own personal development through well planned CEIAG using Gatsby benchmarks to help enable them to progress.

Careers Education & Guidance
Our Strategy is led by the eight Gatsby Benchmarks and the three PSHE Association core themes.
Through the use of these key principles across the Key stages we aim to create an inclusive CEIAG programme that raises learner aspirations, supports transition into further education and employment, and enables learners to develop the skills and outlook they need to achieve career wellbeing, adaptability and resilience.
Reward Scheme
Our REACH reward scheme incentivises learners to be READY, ENGAGED, ACTIVE, CREATIVE, and HEROIC by awarding points every lesson.
Learners can achieve weekly 'Ambassador' status and those that maintain this status for the half term obtain a choice of rewards.

Attendance & Reporting
In a number of our provisions we use Collaborative Learning Manager (CLM) which is a web-based MIS specially designed with alternative provision. In others we use a bespoke MIS to record attendance and attainment.
We conduct termly reviews and report on lesson contribution, progress, behaviour, and attendance. We hold parents' evenings twice yearly and communicate regularly with parents and carers.
> Life After School
Progression is key to our success. We are dedicated to this goal and aim to provide all learners with improved life skills, career pathways and positive progression either with re-integration back in to mainstream school or on to post-16 education, or further training.
To enable this we provide advice, guidance and mentoring throughout, but with special emphasis on our Year 11 learners where we assist with college applications and work experience placements.
For those not ready to take the next step we provide a transition programme called ‘Life After School’ and a Level 2 based ‘Sixth Form’.

Nearly all of our learners progress back into school, on to college, or into further training....

NEET to EET Programme
The transition from school to college or school to an apprenticeship can be challenging for a number of year 11 learners. Some are simply not ready for this next step. The 'Life After School' programme supports these vulnerable learners at the end of year 11 for a period of up to 24 weeks.
The programme includes:
> Dedicated support worker
> Access to a range of resources
> Training modules
> 60 hours support over 24 weeks
> Learner bursary of £100
> Work experience and placements
The cost of the 24 week programme to school is from £750 per learner